The Meeting of the Group Standard Preparation of the "Dynamic Thermal Stability Test Method for PVC Resin - Double Roll Open Mill Plastic Refining Method" Kicked offOnline

 On June 21st, the launch meeting of the group standard preparation of the "Dynamic Thermal Stability Test Method for PVC Resin - Double Roll Open Mill Plastic Refining Method" was held online by CCAIA. As Zhang Xin, Vice President, and Zhang Shoute, Vice Secretary General, attended the meeting, otherparticipants came from Ordos Chlor-alkali, Tangshan Sanyou, Shaanxi Beiyuan, Qingdao Haiwan Chemical, Shanghai Chlor-alkali, Zhejiang Zhenyang, Bohai Chemical Development and Wanhua Chemical Group.With Fan Hongbo, Secretary General of the Standardization Working Committee of CCAIA, presiding over the meeting, Ordos Chlor-alkali, the chief editing unit, briefly explained the background, significance, outline framework, and work ideas of the standard preparation work. The preparation workis designed to standardize and unify the test methods of the double roll open mill plastic mixing method, promote the comparison and benchmarking of basic test data. The participating enterprises had a thorough discussion, focusing on the issues of testing equipment, resin models, and standardization of additives used in the experiment.The work arrangements were developed at the meeting.