CCAIA Visited a Few Companies for Field Investigation

 In mid -July, General Party Branch of CCAIA continued to carry out its research activities under the theme education. The main leaders of the Association led the team to conducted on-site research on chlor-alkali producers such as Fujian Southeast Electrochemical, Xiamen Xialu, YibinTianyuan, Chengdu Huarong, Huayi Qinzhou, TiandongJinsheng, Liuhua Chlor-alkali, Ningxia Jinyuyuan, Ningxia Younglight Chemicals, and Ningxia Risheng, as well as relevant design and equipment manufacturers such as China Chengda Engineering and REFIRE Group. Through discussions and exchanges, CCAIA learned more about the production and operation of those enterprises, their difficulties, and the policy suggestions supported by the relevant departments. Meanwhile, the investigation involved the domestic equipment, additive application, the use of new energy and hydrogen energy, and the comprehensive utilization of industrial waste salt, which paves the way for the next work arrangements.